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We're Back - Winter 2021/22 Update

Milers and Friends, Time flies, and not necessarily in a good way. It’s been two years since we were riding high from being named Best of Philly 2019 (Best Running Club) and just a couple months removed from a successful Rescue Run5K at FDR Park. Then that-thing-we’re-all-tired-of-talking-about came along and took a great-dane-at-the-dog-park-sized dump on our Miler momentum.

We’re not going to fake it, the past 19 months have been frustrating. From limits on how we can safely engage with our volunteers, to how our volunteers can engage with our shelter partners, to how any of us can engage with our favorite local businesses (looking at you Good Dog and Philly Runner!)… this has been a period that even a good long run in the Wissahickon or a good snuggle with a four-legged buddy can’t cure. The point of this note, however, is not to wallow. It’s to say hi! It’s to say we’re not going away. It’s to say we appreciate all of you. It’s to say that our activity may have been on a low simmer for the last year-and-a-half, but we expect that Milers mojo to come back to a boil over the coming months.

Our board has been meeting periodically and recently decided it’s time to get back into action. Slowly. Crawl before you walk… walk before you run with an adoptable dog, right? That’s not quite the right saying in our case, given that the first activity we have planned is a group fun run. Mark your calendars: December 12, 10:30AM, Philly Runner’s Center City location (1711 Walnut Street) You can RSVP on Facebook or just show up.

We’re grateful for you – our friends and volunteers – and can’t wait to see you out there soon!

The Monster Milers

Kathryn, Carrie, Herbie, Guillermo, Rebecca

PS: At this time we are not scheduling volunteer orientations for the foreseeable future. We will be in touch in early 2022 with ways you can get involved with The Monster Milers.


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