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Nyla is ready to restart her life, and is looking for a retirement home so she can fully enjoy her g

Nyla is a adoptable senior cat currently residing at Philadelphia's Animal Control Shelter, ACCT Philly. Nyla was surrendered for being "too old," but we tend to disagree. She is 14 years young and fully deserving of a second chance. Please read on for more information about how to adopt. Want to help but cannot adopt? Consider fostering for ACCT Philly, or easier yet, SHARE THIS POST! When referencing Nyla at ACCT Philly, please use Animal ID number 36696421.


In our idea of a perfect world every home would have a pet and every pet would have a home. No animal would ever need to spend even just a single night in the shelter alone and afraid, wondering where they are, how they got there, and what was going to happen next. Sadly, this is so far from the reality, and shelters are a necessity and will likely remain so for quite a long time.

For many cats, life begins in a shelter. Hundreds of thousands of kittens are brought in each year. They are quickly vaccinated, altered and placed in adoring homes. Adopters flock to their cage doors and the kittens can't help but to show off their insanely cute little faces and playful antics, and you can't blame the adopters for falling hard and fast for them. But what about the senior cat in the space next door that is passed by time and time again? That cat's life began elsewhere. They know what it's like to be in a home, they are used to warmth and comfort, they had a favorite place to sit, a favorite toy, and a safe space of their own. They don't have litter mates to cling to, they may have never heard a dog bark before, they certainly are not accustomed to metallic living quarters, and don't get why strangers are handling them. For these senior cats, their world has been turned upside down.

This is exactly what has happened to our feline friend Nyla. Nyla was recently surrendered to ACCT Philly for being "too old." Her owners had nothing but fabulous things to say about her warm, loving and social personality but yet here she is at age 14 residing in a cage at ACCT Philly. Don't let her serious demeanor in these photographs fool you, that's just her wisdom shining through (and maybe a little bit of questioning as to why she has a bow on her neck and is in a photo shoot). She is a mild mannered, calm and proper lady with so much more love and life to offer.

Shelter Staff and Volunteers have made a quick bond with Nyla. She has a personality as soft as her tortoiseshell coat and is here to break all your preconceived notions about older torties! Although many tortoiseshell cats are described as "sassy," or having "torti-tude," Nyla is an even tempered, wise, and curvy woman. She has aged into a calm, gentle and appreciative cat, who really just wants to spend her golden years with someone that loves her for all that she has to offer. She enjoys being pet and would be content to sit by your side or lay on your windowsill.

Adopting a senior animal is a special kind of magic. Like so many things in life, it's hard to understand what it is like until you are living it, but please believe what you are told by others who have opted to adopt an older animal. Giving a senior a second chance is a beautiful and rewarding thing to do. You will hear those who have adopted seniors say "they know what you have done for them," and it's true. You'll see it in their eyes and understand it when they surrender their gentle souls into your care, trusting that you know what's best for them and will love them forever after. Nyla will be your companion and your confidant, please let her tender head rubs and relaxed purrs soothe you for the rest of her retirement! For more information about Nyla visit or email ACCT Philly is open for adoptions 7 days a week. Nyla is an ACCT Philly "Kneady Cat," meaning that she has a volunteer advocate and friend guiding her through her time in the shelter. Her Kneady Cat advocate and Shelter Adoption Staff would be happy to discuss Nyla in more detail with those interested. Please read through her ACCT Philly online bio for information on how to contact her Kneady Cat Volunteer! When referencing Nyla at ACCT Philly, please use Animal ID number 36696421. Don't hesitate, ACCT Philly is constantly at capacity and every space is incredibly valuable. Adopting Nyla could save her life, and would undoubtedly save the life of the next animal who could then reside in her newly empty space!

All Photos in this blog post are courtesy of One By One Photography.

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